
67mm Red Dive Filter (Wet)

SKU: 67mmRedFilter


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KitDive 67mm threaded Red Dive wet underwater filter

Starting from 15-20 ft Underwater, the red color starts to wash out by the filtering effect of water, the deeper you dive the more of the warm red spectrum is filtered out from the ambient light. In order to get warm colors back, you need to filter out the blue spectrum with this filter. The filter can be installed and removed during the course of the dive. It is used to restore the warm color absorbed by blue water and you can make nice colorful pictures and videos. This Wet Red Filter comes with an attachment string, that you can tie to your underwater housing to prevent loss. This filter is intended to use in blue tropical seas with natural daylight lighting.

This filter doesn't fit the standard port on A6xxx & RX1xx Salted Line camera housings and most of the ports of Sea Frogs housings. It is only applicable with ports that have 67mm thread, such as macro ports listed below:

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